Home Again

I have returned home from living abroad. My adventures have begun their brief hiatus. And along with this hiatus comes a complete emotional roller coaster.

I’ve been struggling with being home, being away from my boyfriend and transiting to my life back home, adapting to everything. I’ve been feeling so just blah. 
I haven’t been able to find much inspiration to write or much motivation to do anything while in the midst of this slump. I keep going to write but not having much to say. I love to write and I need to reignate the passion again.

Now that I’ve been home a bit over a week so I’ve adjusted more. 
I keep reminding myself it’s in no way permanent, there are more adventures awaiting me in the future. But it’s hard to not feel sad. 
We’ll see what the future brings, hopefully it’ll bring with it more writing inspiration.

22 thoughts on “Home Again

  1. It’s so hard going home after time abroad the readjustment is tough. I find it hard even when it’s for extended holiday so I’m sure it’s not easy. Hope it settles down and you embrace the now and look forward to new adventures to come whenever and wherever they may be

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  2. I hope you will find a sense of peace soon! Your awesome memories and photos will be your best friend. I read somewhere that if you’re struggling with writing inspiration to just keep writing. And I reckon this is brilliant advice. Even if it makes you cringe and you don’t think it’s any good, write your way back into writing! 🙂

    ~ Kat ~

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    1. Yes it definitely is good advice, even just writing this about not being able to write helped me feel more like writing. I keep looking at photos and getting reminded of memories and those memories fill me with joy and also inspiration to write. Thanks for the advice Kat!!

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  3. I just visited home for the first time since moving abroad – it was definitely emotional-overload. It’s hard to imagine that “home” isn’t really home anymore. So many feeeellss…

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  4. Change is always hard – new beginnings and letting go of old routines. Good luck with your new beginning and remember, this too shall pass – the good and the bad so embrace the good and manage the bad.


  5. You deserve a break and some time to decompress. Don’t worry, the muses will return to your shoulder…..meanwhile, isn’t the concept of ‘home’ – wherever that is – a topic for thought? Wishing you hasty return to your writing…..


  6. I know the feeling! In my case it helped to see my city with the eyes of a tourist and rediscover everything that it has to offer!

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  7. I’ve been there. When you want to write but the inspiration draws a blank under the weight of daily life. You will emerge very soon.Keep the faith:-) Thanks for stopping by my blog and bringing me to yours.


  8. I had no idea how brutal re-entry would be after 2 months in Spain. I still miss Barcelona. But, I try to remember that I live in a city (Seattle) that many people long to visit – and do my best to make the most of the things they wish they could see. I lived in Brooklyn for 5 years and know how hard it can be to appreciate your corner of the world. Seeing it through other’s eyes can be incredibly helpful, as can writing so that others might live vicariously through you. xo.

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    1. Tracy! I’m from Seattle and handy been back in 3 years (I was in Morocco at the time) and the first time I came back, the green hit me over the head. It was one of those to-die-for early June days without a cloud in the sky and Rainier looming large in all its snow-capped glory. It was some sort of weird culture shock mixed with nostalgia. Crazy.

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  9. I am going home soon after travelling with my boyfriend for over 9 months. He is staying in Asia whilst I go home to work and earn more money, before we both then head out to Canada next year.
    Already I can feel that it’s going to be difficult… I empathise with you! 😦


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