10 things i’ve learned (from living abroad)

My adventure of living abroad so far has been exciting, fun and incredible. It's been full of countless ups and downs and enough memories to last a lifetime. But along the way I've gotten the opportunity to learn more about myself and so much more about the world that I live in (after all that … Continue reading 10 things i’ve learned (from living abroad)

the future freaks me out

I have no clue what I'm doing, I have no clue where I'm going. While I know that I don't need to have a definite 10 year life plan at the moment, I need to have some sort of clue, at least some semblance of an idea. I need to make some sort of plan. … Continue reading the future freaks me out


Whenever people ask me what I want from life and what I want out of my future my quick response has always been "to be happy". Happiness has been something that has been on my mind a lot these past few weeks. What makes me happy? What will it take for me to be truly … Continue reading happiness 


I live in Barcelona now. That's something I can say to myself over and over again, yet it still never seems to feel completely real. I have been living here for almost 7 months and there are not enough words in the english language to describe my journey, and my emotions so far (well hopefully through … Continue reading Barcelona.